

Hi!  I'm Zahava, the founder and creator behind Made By Maurice.  I'm a forty-something mom of five who works from home, just trying her best to get better at life.  I'm also the founder of Tissus for You, Clementine & Fiona Design House and I run a YouTube channel @pallor17.  

Made By Maurice began when I noticed fabric sales at Tissus for You slowing down and I realized I had an abundance of time and resources on my hands.  I decided to put both to good use.  About 2018, I had spent a lot of time sewing, making accessory bags, reusable pantyliners and other small handsewn gifts.  Then the pandemic hit and I began sewing masks.  Eventually, I took a hiatus, and didn't really sew for at least 3 years.  Then, I found I missed sewing, and the whole creative process and wanted to get back into it.  

I love playing with pretty fabrics, creating content, and all the admin (yes, you read that right) that comes with generating a business from scratch! 

Thank you so much for stopping by the website and supporting my small business.  Links to all socials can be found by poking around here somewhere, lol.

XOXO Zahava